Redefining Business Casual

Redefining Business Casual

Guest blog by Randall Thompson, President & Founder of Dugout Mugs

Fear keeps us from achieving our dreams. A cousin of fear is the excuse. We, sometimes, infuse excuses into our decision making process to rationalize why we can’t pursue and achieve our vision. I was guilty of this in my early 20’s - I put my focus on limitations rather than focus on necessary actions for what I wanted to achieve.

The pendulum always swings. My belief, there is a natural balance to our lives. So, after years of excuses, I started taking action, and said to myself:

Can I get Dugout Mugs off the ground, and do my first $1 million in sales in flip flops?

Dugout Mugs

The short answer is “yes;” however, I ended up generating far more than $1 million in flip flops...both in money and in faith.

There seems to be a shift in the way business is being done, and strangely - authenticity is the best tool for monetization in 2021. I say “strangely,” because - it seems like being yourself would have always been the best way to facilitate business.

When it comes to defining business casual, I am unsure who even defined the standard in business attire to begin with. So, following the rules of an unknown source is never the formula to success. However, being yourself is a formula you can put faith in. 

If you feel like “you” in a suit - wear it. If it’s flops - wear ‘em. A tuxedo t-shirt - do it - just make sure it’s authentically you. Ultimately, it’s not about you redefining business casual - it’s about becoming clear on defining you.


Dugout Mugs

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