Let's pull back the curtain and meet another member of the Flop Crew!
Let's meet Bryan!
Senior Designer
What do you like most about your role at Hari Mari?
I love seeing the finished product in the real world. It is a total group effort to get it there so when you see it in the wild it's truly special..
What is your favorite thing about Hari Mari as a company/brand?
Really it's more like a family. That is my favorite thing 100%
What does #EverydayExploring mean to you?
#EverydayExploring - This to me means trying something new or different every day. Get out there and enjoy the world!!
Favorite Hari Mari footwear or gear style & why?
My favorite Hari Mari style would be the Mens Camino. I just love how the leather article & custom woven strap came together.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
Riding bikes with my son! Then Surfing, Skating and Art.
If your TV or laptop was broken and you could only play one movie on repeat until Shelter In Place ends, what would it be?
This is easy... ELF all day
Go-to Quarantine & Chill snack to go with that movie?
Go to snack.... Chips & Salsa from the local Mexican market.
If you were entering a stadium full of people awaiting your arrival, and you could only choose one song to serve as your ‘walk-in music’, what would it be?
Outkast - SpottieOttieDopaliscious
Has the #QuarantineLife ignited any new past times other than puzzles or staring out windows?
Painting rocks! we take bike rides around the neighborhood, collect cool rocks and paint them!
If you weren’t #SocialDistancing at the moment and if COVID-19 was no longer present, and you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go & why?
Western Australia, it's like San Diego 100 years ago.